A suite of specialist corporate finance services that you use just like a toolkit
Dealmaker Toolkit is a new approach to accessing specialist corporate finance support, specifically tailored to the needs of company advisers, such as accountants, business advisers and lawyers, who have a client contemplating the sale or purchase of a company.
Dealmaker Toolkit came about because we recognised that there were many situations where a company owner would prefer to use their existing trusted adviser for one of the most financially important transactions of their business life.
As their trusted adviser, you want to give your client the best possible service, but recognise that you may not have the right corporate finance expertise or resources to get them the deal they deserve.
So that’s where Dealmaker Toolkit comes in.
It works just like a set of tools – you pick and choose from our range of services, tapping into only the specialist resources and skills you need to supplement your own, when you need them throughout the lifecycle of your client’s transaction.
This is what makes us different.
By contrast, with most other corporate finance advisers, it is all or nothing – where you have to hand over management of the entire deal process, leaving you little or no involvement.
But with Dealmaker Toolkit you maintain complete control and pay for only the support you require from us.
We offer you complete flexibility in how you use Dealmker Toolkit to supplement the service you give to your clients.
And if you want us to manage the transaction from start to finish, we can do that too by offering your client support every step of the way with our Full Lead Deal Advisory Service.
Hands-on experience
Advising on corporate transactions is a specialist area and advising a client properly on a management buyout, acquisition or company disposal requires many hours of work by professionals with hands-on deal experience.
Getting the right outcome for your client can be fraught with difficulties, from finding the right buyer, providing sound advice on valuation expectations, negotiating a good deal structure and seeing the deal through the complexities to legal completion.
Failure to provide the right advice at the right time can have a lasting impact on your client, their family and their staff.
But as the trusted adviser you may also feel reluctant to completely hand over the lead to an outside specialist on such an important assignment.
Dealmaker Toolkit, aims to bridge this gap by allowing you to manage the transaction for your client, making use of the corporate finance experience you have, supplemented with our skills and resources to provide your client with the best possible outcome.
About the Company – behind the Dealmaker Toolkit
Most business owners are relying on the proceeds from the sale of their company to help fund a comfortable retirement or their next business venture. The outcome of the company sale will have lasting implications for themselves, their family and their staff.
So, as a trusted adviser, you want to be certain that your client is getting the best possible advice and ultimately getting the best outcome.