Research tools

We leave no stone unturned, we leave nothing to chance

Thorough research carried out by experienced professionals should underpin any corporate disposal or acquisition to give confidence that the best buyers and the best acquisition targets have been identified. Research into sector trends at an early stage can also give confidence that the best exit route is being followed.

The modular structure of Dealmaker Toolkit means that you’re free to use only our research service if this is the only corporate finance support that you need.

M&A activity reviews
Buyer research
Acquisition search

M&A activity reviews

A review of mergers and acquisitions activity in a sector is an essential tool in exploring the full range of options when a business owner starts to think about selling their company. Our comprehensive M&A review will:

Our review will help you and your client to understand how attractive a trade sale might be and, when part of our full Exit Options Review, whether a trade sale might ultimately raise more cash than the sale of the business to management in a management buyout.

Our full range of Feasibility Tools

It is particularly important that a business owner understands their exit options at an early stage. That’s why we recommend an Exit Options Review whenever someone first starts to contemplate selling their business.

Buyer research

There is no short cut to finding the best buyer for a business. The most reliable method, leaving nothing to chance, is to conduct thorough and extensive research using powerful business intelligence databases, applying sound commercial and professional judgement throughout.

We don’t restrict your client’s options by just looking in the UK. Searching to find suitable international buyers is part of nearly all assignments. Our core research tools give us the ability to search worldwide for potential buyers.

Our research enables us to narrow down a large pool of potential buyers to a more manageable short list of high quality buyers who:

By putting together a buyer list based on thorough research, your time and your client’s time is focused only on those prospective buyers likely to make a good offer and able to complete a deal. This greatly increases the chances of securing a good deal for your client, avoids time-wasters and helps to maintain confidentiality.

Our shortlist of prospective buyers will include the reasons why we consider each company worth approaching and will be accompanied by a full list of all companies we have reviewed – giving you and your client a chance to query why some of these did not make the shortlist.

A great buyer for any business is one that has strong strategic reasons for the acquisition, because it will be prepared to pay more.

So when we conduct buyer research we don’t just look at other companies similar to your client. We look at companies in adjacent sectors, with common suppliers, common customers or complementary products and services.

We almost always look for overseas buyers.

Acquisition search

If your client is serious about growing their business through acquisitions in the UK then our acquisition research service gives them the best chance of finding the right acquisition.

We interrogate a powerful database to identify all companies which meet your client’s criteria for an ideal acquisition: for example size, location, activity. Our research encompasses all companies whether or not they are currently being marketed for sale.

By conducting indepth research into each company identified this way, and by applying commercial and professional judgement, we refine the list further to pinpoint companies we think would make the best acquisition targets.

This means that you and your client are focusing your efforts on companies which most closely fit the criteria for an acquisition and are most likely to be open to discuss a sale.

You will receive a report summarising our research including profiles of each of the recommended acquisition targets and a full list of all those companies we have considered but have not included on the final short list.

If you wish we can also make approaches to the acquisition targets on your client’s behalf and arrange introductory meetings.