Advice tools

We’re dedicated corporate finance specialists with extensive experience advising on company disposals, acquisitions and management buyouts

This means we can support you with advice at every step of the way through your client’s transaction, giving you confidence that your client is getting the best possible advice and ensuring they get the best possible outcome.

Deal advice
Lead deal advisory
Annual review service
Exit coaching

Deal advice

With many years’ combined experience and a track record of advising on over 80 completed deals, including company disposals, acquisitions and management buyouts, the team behind Dealmaker Toolkit can be relied on for the quality of their advice.

If you decide to advise your client through their transaction, we can be available to support you with specific deal advice or ad hoc guidance with issues which crop up during any stage of the transaction.

Lead deal advisory

If you prefer us to fully manage your client’s transaction in full we would engage directly with them as their corporate finance adviser. We would still expect to work in close partnership with you and as a gesture of thanks we would pay you a referal fee. For further information about how we deliver our lead deal advisory service, please see the Strategic Corporate Finance website.

Annual review service

Early preparation is key if your client is looking to sell their business, wants to make it an attractive to a range of high quality buyers and get the best deal. Our Exit Options Review service gives your clients a good understanding of their exit options.

Our annual review service brings up to date the Exit Options Review and includes:

The annual review service helps you and your client identify when might be the best time to go ahead and market the company for sale.

Exit coaching

If there are fundamental issues that would impact on the value and saleability of your client’s business, we can introduce you to business coaches who provide the necessary support to resolve them.

Typically, issues include over-reliance on the business owner and over-reliance on a small number of customers. Our associate coaches can work with you and your client over a period of time to help address these and other issues, such as improving profitability.

We can also combine our annual review service with exit coaching into one simple package. We’ll then provide you with an annual assessment of progress designed to show you how the business is developing in becoming attractive to buyers and in generating the capital value needed to fund life after retirement.